Jubilee 2025

Pilgrims of Hope: 2025 Jubilee Year

Guided Pilgrimage and Catholic Tour Experiences in the Jubilee Year 2025

We are thrilled to introduce you to the upcoming Jubilee Year of 2025, an extraordinary event you can’t afford to miss. Get ready for a unique experience filled with spirituality and discoveries in a sacred destination.

This Holy Year will be a special moment for travelers and pilgrims from around the world. As experts in the travel industry, we want to provide you with the opportunity to be part of this unique celebration. 

Our travel packages are designed to offer you an unforgettable experience during this sacred period.

Peregrinaciones Católicas

What Is the Jubilee? Exploring Its Roots and Meaning Today

To truly understand what the Jubilee is, we need to journey back to the ancient Jewish tradition during the time of Moses, around 1200 BC. According to the Bible, God created the world in six days and rested on the seventh. This day, known as the Sabbath, or Shabbat in Hebrew, became a symbol of rest and renewal.

The concept of rest extended beyond the seventh day. Every seven years, there was a special year called the sabbatical year. It was a time of liberation and renewal: slaves were freed, debts were forgiven, and even the land itself rested, with no cultivation.

Then, every 49 years (7 cycles of 7 years), a unique year was proclaimed with the sound of a ram’s horn called the Yobel. This is where the term “Jubilee” originates, signifying celebration and joy. During the Jubilee year, properties were returned to their original owners, and every Jewish slave was set free. It was a time of total renewal—spiritual, social, and environmental.

Centuries later, in the Middle Ages, Pope Boniface VIII sought to revive this tradition within Christianity. In 1300, he proclaimed the first Roman Jubilee in history through the papal bull Antiquorum habet fida relatio. Since then, the Jubilee has become a universal celebration within the Catholic Church, rich in spiritual and historical significance.

Today, the Jubilee is not only an opportunity for reflection and renewal of faith but also a chance to reconnect with ancient traditions that resonate deeply, bridging past and present in a powerful way.

Why is 2025 a Holy Year?

The next Jubilee will be in 2025! This is going to be an ordinary Holy Year, following the previous one that happened in 2000, during the pontificate of Pope St. John Paul II. It’s also going to be the 25th ordinary Holy Year. 

Download our PDF guide to the ordinary Holy Year occurring in 2025!

Learn more about the activities, itineraries, and experiences the Jubilee offers to pilgrims from all over the world!

Activities and Experiences for the Jubilee Year 2025

Pilgrimages: One of the central activities during a Jubilee is embarking on a pilgrimage to a holy city, typically Rome for Catholics.

Holy Doors: The Holy Doors are special entrances to designated churches that are opened exclusively during Jubilee years.

Papal Audiences: If the Jubilee takes place in Rome, participants may have the opportunity to attend a papal audience or receive the Pope’s blessing.

Masses and Liturgical Celebrations: Special masses and liturgical ceremonies are held during the Jubilee.


Contact us today for more information.

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